How To Get Rid Of Centipedes In Houseplants

Are you a plant lover but can’t seem to keep the centipedes away? You’re not alone If you have centipedes in your houseplants, don’t panic! there are some things you can do to get rid …

how to get rid of centipedes in houseplants

Are you a plant lover but can’t seem to keep the centipedes away? You’re not alone If you have centipedes in your houseplants, don’t panic! there are some things you can do to get rid of them.

In this blog post, we’ll discuss how to identify centipedes in your plants and give you some tips on how to get rid of centipedes in houseplants. Stay tuned!

how to get rid of centipedes in houseplants

How To Identify Centipede Infestation

While house plants can add beauty and life to any indoor space, they also attract pests like centipedes. Look for any noticeable damage to the plant’s leaves or stems, including holes or yellowing. These pests will often leave tiny black droppings in the soil or near the base of the plant.

You may also spot their long, multi-segmented bodies hiding in the soil or crawling around on the plant itself. If left untreated, a centipede infestation can lead to serious damage to your plants and should be addressed immediately.

Remember, centipedes belong to a group called myriapods – which means they have many legs – so it may take some persistence to get rid of them completely. 

How To Get Rid Of Centipedes In Houseplants

To successfully rid your houseplants of centipedes, it is important to first identify the source of the infestation. Are they coming from the outside or from within your home? Once you have determined this, it’s time to take action. 

Here is a step-by-step guide to getting rid of centipedes in your houseplants:

Organic Insect Killer

One method for getting rid of centipedes in houseplants is by using an organic insect killer or natural insecticide spray. This can be applied directly to the soil and plants, making sure to thoroughly cover all surfaces. Another option is to create a solution of equal parts water and vinegar and spray it onto affected plants as needed. 

In addition to these methods, make sure to regularly clean and groom your plants to remove any debris or dead leaves that may attract insects and pests.

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Use Cayenne Pepper 

If you’ve noticed centipedes in your houseplants, one solution is to sprinkle cayenne pepper around the base of the plant. Centipedes do not like the spicy scent and will avoid it. First place a line of spice around the perimeter of the pot or planter, making sure to leave an opening for watering.

Sprinkle some onto the topsoil and gently brush it in with your fingers. Repeat this process every few days as needed. It’s important to note that while it can effectively deter centipedes, it may also deter beneficial insects such as ladybugs or bees.

Use caution when applying cayenne pepper and make sure not to get it on any blooming flowers. It may also be necessary to reapply after heavy rain or watering.

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Boric Acid

While house centipedes may be a helpful addition to your indoor ecosystem, as they prey on insects, you may not want them in your houseplants. One innovative solution to getting rid of centipedes in your potted plants is using boric acid.

It can be dusted over the top soil or mixed into the soil before planting. The delicate plant roots will not be affected by the boric acid, but they will act as a repellant for centipedes and other insects. It can also help prevent future infestations, as it serves as a long-term pest control solution.

Keep in mind that boric acid should never be ingested, so it’s important to thoroughly wash any fruits or vegetables grown in boric acid-treated soil before consuming them. Not only will it effectively control centipede populations in your houseplants, but it can also serve as a safe and natural way to keep pests at bay.

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how to get rid of centipedes in houseplants

Insecticidal Soap

 For outdoor plants, try using insecticidal to target these pests and keep them out of your garden. This soapy water is a safe and effective way to target pests in the garden without harming beneficial insects or the environment.

It works by disrupting the outer layer of an insect’s exoskeleton, causing them to dehydrate and die. It can be applied directly onto plants, often with a spray bottle, and is most effective when applied during early morning or evening, when temperatures are cooler and less likely to cause plant stress. When used properly, however, it can effectively kill centipedes, aphids, mites, and mealybugs without putting harmful chemicals into the ecosystem.

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Design Sticky Traps

Sticky traps are an easy and effective way to catch and kill centipedes, as well as other small insects and pests. They work by luring pests in with a sweet or pungent scent before they become stuck to the sticky surface of the trap.

You can purchase sticky traps at your local hardware store or online, or you can make your own by covering a piece of cardboard or paper with petroleum jelly, honey, or syrup. Place the traps in areas where you’ve seen centipedes and check them regularly to remove any trapped insects. Be sure to dispose of them properly, as they can still attract other pests if left out in the open.

Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth

If you’ve ever found a centipede hiding in your houseplant, you know the feeling of disgust and the urge to get rid of them immediately. But before reaching for plant chemicals, try using food-grade diatomaceous earth to prevent centipedes.

Sprinkling this powder along the top of the soil creates a barrier that centipedes and other creepy crawlies don’t like to cross. It also helps to keep the soil dry as centipedes thrive in humid environments. In addition to using diatomaceous earth, make sure to thoroughly inspect each plant before bringing it into your home, as even just one centipede can quickly multiply into an infestation.

By taking these preventative measures, you can enjoy your houseplants without fear of unwelcome visitors.

For the most effective results, it’s best to use a combination of these methods to get rid of centipedes in your houseplants. Try using one or two of these solutions and see what works best for you. With a little patience and some trial and error, you can get rid of these pests for good.

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how to get rid of centipedes in houseplants


Centipede-free houseplants are not only possible, but they’re also easy to achieve with a little understanding of what these pests need to survive. By following the tips in this article, you can keep your plants healthy and free of centipedes for good.

Do you have any other tips for getting rid of centipedes? Share them with us in the comments below!

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