How To Get Rid Of Scale On Houseplants

Do you have a houseplant that has developed scale? Don’t worry, you can get rid of it! This guide will show you how to get rid of scale on houseplants. Scale is a common problem …

how to get rid of scale on houseplants

Do you have a houseplant that has developed scale? Don’t worry, you can get rid of it! This guide will show you how to get rid of scale on houseplants. Scale is a common problem for houseplants, but it is easy to treat.

Follow these simple steps and your plant will be back to looking healthy in no time.

What Are Adult-Scale Insects

how to get rid of thrips on houseplants

Adult scale insects are small, winged creatures that attach themselves to plants and feed on sap. They excrete a sticky substance called honeydew, which can attract other pests like ants and bees. Scale can be difficult to control because the insects are protected by a hard shell.

If you see the scale in your plant, it’s important to act quickly. The longer they are left, the more damage they will do. Scale insects suck the moisture out of your plant and secrete a substance called honeydew.

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Types Of Scale Insects

In the world of scale insects, there are two main types: armored and soft scale.

  • Armored Scale Insects secrete a waxy covering over their bodies, making them difficult to control with insecticides.
  • Soft scales, on the other hand, produce a sticky substance called honeydew, which can attract ants and lead to the growth of sooty mold in plants.
  • Gardeners and growers need to be able to identify these types of scale insects to properly treat infestations and protect their plants.

Any suspicious bumps in plant stems or leaves should be closely observed for signs of these pesky bugs. Early detection and treatment are key for keeping scale insect populations under control.

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how to get rid of scale on houseplants

Getting Rid Of Scale on Indoor And Outdoor Plants

If you’ve noticed tiny bumps in the stems or leaves of your houseplants, it could scale. These pesky little insects suck the juices from plants, causing foliage to yellow and potentially killing the plant if left untreated. But fear not – with a little effort, you can rid your plants of scale and keep them happy and healthy.

Monitor The Progress

Monitoring and consistent action are key. First, inspect your plants regularly for signs of scale infestation. Look for small, raised bumps on stems and leaves. These bumps are the insects themselves.

Horticultural Oil

Horticultural oil, also known, especially as refined mineral oil, is a highly effective treatment for scale insects on plants. When applied to infested leaves and stems, the oil coats and suffocates the insects, halting their feeding and reproduction. Horticultural oil can also act as a repellent for other pests, such as mites and aphids. It can be applied as both a preventative measure and a targeted treatment for current infestations.

Horticultural oil is safe to use on a variety of plants, including fruit trees, houseplants, and flowers. However, it should only be applied during periods of calm weather and when temperatures are below 90 degrees Fahrenheit to avoid damaging the plants.

Horticultural oil can effectively rid your plants of scale insects and provide long-term protection against other pests.

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how to get rid of scale on houseplants

Insecticidal Soap

It is a highly effective method for removing scale insects from plants. These pests, identifiable by their hard shell-like covering, can damage plant foliage and inhibit growth. Insecticidal soap works by penetrating the protective covering of the scale insect and disrupting cell membranes, ultimately leading to death.

It is important to thoroughly cover the affected plant with the soap solution, including both the top and bottom of the leaves. Additionally, repeat applications may be necessary to fully eliminate all scale insects. When applied correctly, insecticidal soap offers a safe and effective method for controlling these pesky pests.

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Rubbing Alcohol

It can be a highly effective solution for removing scale insects from your plants. Simply mix rubbing alcohol with water in a spray bottle and apply directly onto the affected areas. The rubbing alcohol works to break down the protective shell of the Scale insect, killing them off and preventing them from reproducing.

Additionally, rubbing alcohol can also be used as a preventative measure by spraying the solution onto areas where Scale insects are commonly found, such as branches or leaves. Keep in mind that it should never be applied to blooming or flowering plants as it may damage delicate petals.

Natural Predators

Natural predators, such as ladybugs, lacewings, and predatory mites, can Control Scale Insects ‘ infestations on plants. These predators feed on scale bugs, helping to reduce their numbers and prevent further damage to your plants.

To attract natural predators into the surrounding plants, try planting various flowering plants to provide nectar for ladybugs and lacewings. This will also attract beneficial insects such as pollinators. You can also introduce predatory mites directly onto infested plants by purchasing them from a garden supplier. Natural predators offer a safe and environmentally-friendly option for controlling scale insects in your garden or indoor plant collection.

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Neem Oil

how to get rid of scale on houseplants

It can provide a natural solution to control scale insect infestations. When applied directly to the affected plants, neem oil not only kills the adult insects but can provide a natural solution to control scale insect infestations. In addition to its effectiveness against scale insects, neem oil has minimal impact on beneficial insects like bees and ladybugs and can also act as a fungicide. For both environmental and practical reasons, neem oil is an excellent tool for removing scale insects from plants.

How To Prevent Outdoor And Indoor Plants From Scaling

One of the best ways to prevent your plants from becoming infested with scale insects is to regularly inspect them for signs of damage. Check both the top and bottom of leaves for small bumps or discoloration, as this may be an indication of a scale insect infestation. If you see any suspicious activity, immediately isolate the affected plant from the rest of your collection to prevent the spread of the pests.

Choose plants wisely when shopping for new additions to your garden or indoor plant collection. Avoid purchasing plants that are already infested with scale insects, as this will only introduce pests into other plants. Make sure the area is clean and free of debris before bringing new plants into your home.

By following these simple tips, you can help prevent scale insects from infesting your plants and causing damage to your garden or indoor plant collection.


There are a few things you can do to get rid of scale on your houseplants. You can try one or all of these methods to see what works best for you and your plants. Ultimately, preventing scale from happening in the first place is the best way to keep your plants healthy and happy.

By following these tips, you can hopefully avoid having to deal with scale altogether. Do you have any other tips for getting rid of or preventing scale? Let us know in the comments.

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