How To Keep Cats Out Of Houseplants

Do you have a beloved houseplant that you just can’t stand to see get damaged by your cat? In this blog post, we’re going to share some tips on how to keep cats out of …

how to keep cats out of houseplants

Do you have a beloved houseplant that you just can’t stand to see get damaged by your cat? In this blog post, we’re going to share some tips on how to keep cats out of houseplants.

By following these simple tips, you can help protect your plants and keep them looking healthy. Happy gardening!

Why Do Cats Eat Plants

When it comes to why cats eat plants, there are a few possible explanations.

  • First, cats may simply enjoy the taste or texture of plants. Additionally, cats love to hunt and chase moving objects, so they might chew on and eat leaves for stimulation.
  • Eating plants can also provide relief from boredom or stress. However, it’s important to be aware that some plants can be harmful to cats if consumed in large quantities.
  • If your feline friend tends to nibble on houseplants, consider giving them cat grass or growing potted plants specifically for them to munch on instead.
  • And of course, regularly clean and refresh their litter box to ensure they have an adequate outlet for elimination and play. Ultimately, while eating plants is a natural behavior for cats, monitoring their plant consumption can help prevent potential health issues.

Keep in mind that they consume, toxic plants, so it’s important to research which plants are safe for your fur baby before allowing access to them. In any case, if you notice your cat regularly eating plants, it’s best to consult with your veterinarian immediately on how to address this behavior.

Learn More: Types Of Bamboo House Plants

What Are The Plants That Keep Cats Away

Did you know that certain plants can keep cats away from your precious indoor home décor and gardens?

Here are a few indoor plants cats avoid:

  • Rosemary has a strong scent that cats tend to dislike, making it a good option for indoor plant pots. It is not only a delicious addition to many recipes, but it also happens to be one of the plants cats hate the most. A pot of rosemary placed near your favorite furniture or plants can help keep mischievous kitties away.
  • Other plants that have been known to keep cats away include Citronella and lavender & citrus trees, and coleus canina (also known as “scaredy cat plant”).
  • Additionally, cats may also be deterred by certain scents such as eucalyptus oil, which can be applied to plants or around the perimeter of the garden
  • However, be mindful of where you place these plants – some are toxic to cats if ingested. Alternately, for those without a green thumb or limited space for indoor gardening, specialized sprays can also serve as a deterrent for curious cats. Regardless of the option you choose, keeping cats away from certain areas or plants can go a long way toward protecting both your furry friends and your ornamental flora.

How To Keep Cats Out Of Houseplants

how to keep cats out of houseplants

Many cat owners have struggled with their feline friends getting into their plant pots, often resulting in damaged or eaten houseplants. Luckily, there are a few steps how to keep cats out of houseplants & upon following that you can prevent this behavior.

Add A Layer Of Stone Mulch

One way to deter cats from using your plants as a litterbox is to add a layer of stone mulch to the area around them. The stones give cats an unpleasant surface to walk on, and they also make it more difficult for them to dig in the soil. If you have an issue with cats urinating on your plants, the sharp smell and texture of pine or cedar mulch can also act as a deterrent.

Additionally, outlining the area with chicken wire can prevent cats from accessing the plants altogether.

Learn More: Why Are Houseplants So Expensive

Bitter Apple Spray

Are you tired of finding shredded leaves and trampled plants in your garden, courtesy of your curious feline friend? One effective solution is to use bitter apple spray. This non-toxic spray has a nasty taste that deters cats from nibbling on or scratching your plants.

It can also be used to keep cats from urinating on furniture or other areas indoors. Put it in the spray bottle & simply spray the solution onto the leaves and stems of your plants, taking care to avoid any flowers or vegetables that may be edible for humans.

Reapply the spray every couple of days, or after rainfall. Along with using bitter apple spray, consider providing an enticing alternative to your cat’s scratcher and snacker needs such as a scratching post or cat grass planting.

Learn More: 5 House Plants With Pink Leaves

Use Aluminum Foil

CRC aluminum foil can also work as an effective cat deterrent. The shiny surface confuses cats, and the crinkling noise will startle them if they attempt to walk on it. For best results, place strips of foil around the perimeter of your plant, or lay a sheet over the entire pot. You can also use double-sided tape to keep the foil in place.

However, some experts suggest that the best solution may be providing your cat with plant-safe toys or scratching posts to redirect their attention away from your plants. By taking these precautions, you can successfully keep your curious kitty out of your plant pots.

Learn More: The 12 Houseplants With Red Leaves

Sprinkle Cayenne Pepper:

 one easy solution is to sprinkle cayenne pepper on the soil surrounding your plants. The spicy substance will not harm the plant or the cat, but the strong smell and taste will deter most cats from coming near. By simply sprinkling some pepper every few days on the loose soil, you can enjoy a cat-free garden without harming any furry friends.

how to keep cats out of houseplants

Use Leftover Kitchen Scraps

Do you have trouble keeping your fur babies from playing in your plants? One simple solution is to scatter citrus peels or sprinkle caffeine-rich coffee grounds around the base of your plants. The strong scent and texture of these natural items will deter cats from digging or chewing on your precious greenery.

Another solution is to cover the surface of the soil with lemon peels or small essential oils-infused cotton balls, making it difficult for cats to dig and also giving your plants a pleasant scent.

If all else fails, consider investing in potted plants that have a rough, sticky surface, making them unappealing for curious paws to dig through. Keeping cats out of our plants can be a challenge, but with a little creativity and natural solutions, we can protect both our furry friends and our hard-earned foliage.

Learn More: How Long Do Houseplants Live

how to keep cats out of houseplants


So ! how to keep cats out of houseplants. These are a few ways to keep cats out of houseplants. Some work better than others, but it depends on your cat’s personality. You may have to try a few different methods before you find the one that works best for you and your cat.

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