12 Unusual House Plants

If you’re looking for a way to add some life to your home with something other than the usual suspects, then you’ve come to the right place. Here are 12 unusual house plants that will …

unusual house plants

If you’re looking for a way to add some life to your home with something other than the usual suspects, then you’ve come to the right place. Here are 12 unusual house plants that will spruce up your living space and leave your guests asking, “Where did you get that?”

Read More: How To Make Indoor Plant Leaves Shiny

What Is Mean By Unusual Houseplants

unusual house plants

Unusual houseplants, also known as “exotic” plants, are often admired for their unique appearance and rarity. These plants can vary in size, shape, and color, making them stand out amongst more traditional houseplants such as pothos or philodendrons.

Many unusual houseplants come from tropical areas and require special care to thrive indoors. However, the effort is often worth it for the stunning addition they make to any indoor space. If you’re looking to add some excitement to your indoor gardening game, consider adding an unusual houseplant to your collection.

List Of 12 Unusual Houseplants

Are you tired of seeing the same old houseplants everywhere you go? for plant collectors these 12 unusual options will Spice up their living! 

1. Hoya kerrii

Looking for something unique and easy to grow plants to add to your houseplant collection? Look no further than Hoya kerrii, also known as the sweetheart plant. This lovely plant features heart-shaped leaves and can grow up to 12 inches in length. It prefers to avoid direct sunlight and regular watering, but be careful not to overwater as it is susceptible to root rot.

It also enjoys high humidity and occasional misting or placement in a pebble tray full of water. With its striking shape and easy care needs, be sure to add interest to any indoor garden. Happy planting! ̰

2. Medusa Head

This succulent has long, snake-like tendrils and is named after the mythical Medusa with her writhing snakes for hair. Medusa Head may seem intimidating, but it’s quite easy to care for. All it needs is bright lighting and occasional watering, making it a great choice for beginners and busy plant parents.

With its playful shape and low maintenance needs, Medusa Head is sure to liven up any indoor space. Just be sure to handle it with care; its fragile tendrils can easily break if not handled gently.

unusual house plants

3. Snake Plant

Are you tired of the same old houseplants? Shake up your indoor organic gardening game with the snake plant. Known for its unique, pointy leaves and ease of care, this plant is a low-maintenance addition to any room in the house. The snake plant thrives in less-than-ideal lighting conditions, making it a great choice for dark corners or offices.

It also requires infrequent watering, making it perfect for busy individuals or those who struggle to keep plants alive. Plus, its air purifying qualities make it a great addition to improving indoor air quality. So say goodbye to boring plants and welcome the snake plant into your home. 

Read More: 8 Best Japanese House Plant

4. Zigzag Cactus

Despite its name, this climbing cactus is a member of the hoya family and features long, zig-zagged stems with thick, leathery leaves. This low-maintenance plant thrives in bright areas with indirect light and only needs to be watered when the soil is dry to the touch. Its curious zig-zag shape adds interest to any shelf or windowsill, making it a standout choice among houseplants. So why not add some zigzag to your collection?

5. Air Plants

Air plants, or Tillandsias, are a unique and low-maintenance addition to any household. These unusual plants do not require soil, instead obtaining most of their nutrients and moisture from the air around them. Air plants come in a variety of sizes and shapes, with some featuring thin, wiry stems and others boasting thick fleshy green leaves.

These versatile plants can be displayed in a hanging basket. These hanging baskets can be mounted on driftwood or rock, or placed on top of shelves or desks for a pop of color and to give an attractive look to the entire plant.

6. Staghorn Ferns

Have you ever considered adding staghorn ferns to your indoor garden? These unique plants are epiphytes, meaning they grow on other plants or objects rather than in soil. They get their name from the shape of their foliage, resembling the antlers of a staghorn deer. They are easy to mount on a board or tree trunk and require minimal care, making them a low-maintenance addition to any indoor space.

7. Underground Bulb

Another unusual option is an underground bulb plant, also known as “false bulbs.” These bulbs can thrive in water or soil and come in a variety of shapes and sizes, adding interest and texture to any indoor garden. So shake up your usual houseplant selection and try out underground bulbs for something new and exciting.

Read More: 8 Carnivorous House Plants

8. Marimo Moss Balls

Adding some pizazz to your houseplant collection? Look no further than Marimo Moss Balls! These unusual house plants, also known as Cladophora balls, are made up of tiny green algae that grow into soft, fluffy spheres. Originating in lakes in Japan and Europe, these low-maintenance plants make an ideal addition to any plant lover’s collection. 

Marimo can be kept in a small glass container filled with clean water and do best with indirect sunlight and occasional gentle squeezing to encourage growth. With their distinctive appearance and easy care routine, Marimo moss balls make for a quirky addition to any indoor greenery display. 

9. Senecio Peregrinus

Senecio peregrinus, also known as the String of dolphins or ripple Senecio, is a unique and beautiful ornamental plant. Native to South Africa, this succulent features long trailing stems filled with tiny blue-green “fishhook” shaped leaves. These trailing stems can reach up to three feet in length, making Senecio this plant a great option for hanging planters or climbing up a trellis or other support.

It is relatively low maintenance and thrives in bright indirect light with infrequent watering. These unusual house plants add a unique appearance, texture, and interest to any indoor space.

10. Bamboo

Bamboo is a popular choice for houseplants because it’s known to bring good luck. Bamboo is also very easy to care for; just water it when the soil is dry. Bamboo does best in bright, indirect light. 

11. Begonia

They are the lifesaver unusual house plants for gardeners everywhere! With its beautiful flowers and lush foliage, this hardy plant is the perfect way to add life and color to your garden.

This flower is known for its flower stalk, which can grow quite tall and support a vibrant display of petals. Begonia likes humid conditions and partial sun, so it’s a good choice for bathrooms or kitchens. Just be sure not to overwater – the plant’s leaves will turn yellow if the plant is getting too much water. 

Read More: How To Arrange Plants In A Living

unusual house plants

12. Pitcher Plant

The Pitcher Plant is a unique and fascinating addition to any home garden. As it belongs to carnivorous plants and a native to south and central America, it requires special care – Pitcher Plants should be grown in nutrient-poor soil and fed live insects. These one-of-a-kind plants typically grow between 8 and 12 inches in height, with a lifespan of five to ten years.

Their leaves form pitcher-shaped traps filled with tempting nectar, luring unsuspecting insects into the plant’s grasp. Pitcher Plants come in a variety of colors and patterns, offering a visually striking addition to any plant collection.

Adenium obesum & desert rose grows in arid regions of Africa and the Middle East.


With these twelve unusual house plants, your home will be sure to stand out from the rest. Not only are they unique, but they each have their own individual benefits that improve air quality and create a more relaxing atmosphere.

So ditch the traditional ferns and spider plants, and go for something a little different. Your guests will thank you – and so will your lungs.

Read More: Easiest Houseplants To Propagate

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