7 Houseplants With Heart-Shaped Leaves

If you’re looking for a way to add some life and color to your home, why not try adding some houseplants with heart-shaped leaves? There is nothing better than a heart-shaped plant. They are very …

houseplants with heart shaped leaves

If you’re looking for a way to add some life and color to your home, why not try adding some houseplants with heart-shaped leaves? There is nothing better than a heart-shaped plant. They are very beautiful and attractive. They also create a gorgeous romantic atmosphere.

There are many different plants that have this shape, so you can find one that’s perfect for your taste and style. Keep reading to learn more about seven of the best plants with heart-shaped leaves.

Read More: 10 Low Maintenance Houseplants for the Indoor Gardener

Houseplants With Heart-Shaped Leaves

Here is a list of 7 best houseplants with heart-shaped leaves:

1. Sweetheart plant

Looking for a creative way to add some greenery to your indoor space? Look no further than hanging baskets filled with heart-shaped plants. The Sweetheart plant, also known as the torenia or wishbone flower, boasts deep green foliage and small purple flowers shaped like hearts.

These hanging plants are easy to care for, thriving in indirect sunlight and moist soil. Plus, their hanging baskets provide visual interest and can be easily hung indoors or outdoors in a covered area.

2. Swiss Cheese Plant 

Indoor plants not only add beauty and life to a space, but they can also improve air quality and increase productivity. Among the many options available, the Swiss Cheese Plant is a unique choice for indoor plant lovers.

The Swiss Cheese Plant, also known as Monstera Deliciosa, gets its name from the holes that appear on its leaves as it matures. This easy-to-care-for plant prefers medium to low light and needs moist soil, making it a perfect addition to any bathroom or kitchen.

3. String Of Hearts

The String of Hearts also called the Valentine plant, is a beloved houseplant with long, trailing vines adorned with green hearts. This plant can be the perfect addition to any Valentine’s Day décor, but its charm lasts all year round.

The String of Hearts originates from South Africa and does best in bright indirect light. It is easy to care for and can tolerate occasional neglect, making it a low-maintenance choice for novice plant lovers. To propagate, simply snip off a piece of vine and place it in water or soil – you’ll have a whole new set of hearts in no time. The String of Hearts is sure to add a touch of love to any space.

4. Wax Heart Plant

The wax heart plant, also known as a succulent plant, is a unique and beautiful addition to any indoor space. It thrives in bright indirect light and should be allowed to dry out completely before being watered again. This plant gets its name from its thick and waxy leaves, which range in color from deep green to shades of pink or purple.

The wax heart plant’s heart-shaped leaves grow in a spiral pattern along an upright stem, creating a charming visual focal point. With proper care, you can thrive for years, making it a delightful, low-maintenance choice for your home or office.

Read More: The Baltic Blue Pothos Plant: Everything You Need to Know

houseplants with heart-shaped leaves

5. Arrowhead Plant

The Arrowhead plant, also known as Syngonium or Goosefoot, is a popular choice for both indoor and outdoor spaces. The versatile plant boasts striking arrows or arrowhead-shaped leaves in shades of green, pink, yellow, or white. In addition to its visually appealing appearance, the arrowhead plant is relatively low maintenance and easy to care for.

It should be positioned in indirect light and kept consistently moist, but not overly wet. With attention to these basic needs, the arrowhead plant can thrive and bring life to any space. Plus, as an added bonus, it has been known to purify air pollutants such as formaldehyde and benzene. So why not add some arrowhead plants to your home or garden?

Not only will they make for a stunning addition, but they can improve air quality as well.

6. Devil’s Ivy

Devil’s Ivy, also known as pothos or Scindapsus, is a common houseplant with heart-shaped leaves. While they are beautiful and easy to care for, Devil’s Ivy can be harmful to both pets and humans. Ingestion can cause irritation, vomiting, and difficulty breathing.

They also have the ability to spread quickly through propagation and can become invasive in some areas. Despite these drawbacks, Devil’s Ivy remains popular due to their ease of care and attractiveness. As always, it is important to research any plants you bring into your space to ensure the safety of yourself and others.

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houseplants with heart-shaped leaves

7. Betel Plants

The Betel (piper betel) is a climbing vine native to the tropical regions of Asia. It is best known for its dark green, glossy leaves that are often used in traditional ceremonies and taste similar to pepper. Betel leaves have also been utilized medicinally as an anti-inflammatory and digestive aid.

In recent years, Betel has gained attention as a potential source of cancer-fighting compounds. The plant is easy to cultivate and can be grown in soil or on a trellis. Betel pairs well with other tropical plants, making it a lovely addition to any lemon tree or ginger garden. If you’re looking for a unique addition to your medicinal herb collection, consider adding Betel to your garden!

How To Maintain Heart-Shaped Plants

One of the best ways to maintain heart-shaped plants is by providing them with regular watering and proper drainage. These plants thrive in moist, but not soggy, soil and require consistent watering. It is important to ensure the soil has good drainage to prevent root rot. In addition, fertilizing regularly will help promote healthy growth and keep the leaves vibrant.

Another important aspect of maintenance is pruning. Trimming off dead or damaged leaves and stems will encourage new growth and maintain the plant’s attractive shape. Finally, these plants enjoy bright indirect sunlight, so selecting an appropriate spot in your garden or indoors is crucial for their success.

With consistent care and attention, you can enjoy the beauty of houseplants with heart-shaped leaves for many years to come.

Read More: The Health Benefits of House Plants: How they can help you!

houseplants with heart-shaped leaves

Benefits Of Houseplants

The benefits of having houseplants go beyond just adding a pop of color to your living space. Did you know that keeping plants in the home can improve air quality by removing pollutants and increasing humidity levels?

Plants also have mental health benefits, as caring for them can reduce stress and improve focus and productivity. And let’s not forget the added aesthetic value they bring to a room! So, whether you prefer succulents or ferns, don’t underestimate the power of having these green friends in your surroundings. Don’t know where to start?

Heart-shaped plants such as philodendrons or peace lilies make for a lovely addition to any home. Not only are they visually appealing, but they also have a romantic touch perfect for setting the mood in any space.

So why not give houseplants with heart-shaped leaves a try and see how they can enhance your home and well-being?


Houseplants are a great way to spruce up your home and add some extra oxygen to the air. If you’re looking for something a little bit different, why not try one of these seven houseplants with heart-shaped leaves?

From Devil’s Ivy to arrowhead plant, there’s sure to be something that catches your eye. So what are you waiting for? Head to your local nursery and go shopping!

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