8 Best Japanese House Plants

If you are new to the world of house plants or just looking for some ideas for new plants to try, then you may want to consider Japanese house plants. There are many different types …

japanese house plants

If you are new to the world of house plants or just looking for some ideas for new plants to try, then you may want to consider Japanese house plants. There are many different types of Japanese plants that make great additions to any home, and they come in a variety of shapes and sizes.

So if you are ready to add a little bit of Japan into your life, then check out these eight best houseplants.

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Best Japanese Indoor Plants 

japanese house plants

Indoor Japanese plants include many of the same species commonly grown in other homes around the world. We have compiled a list of popular Japanese indoor plants.

1. Japanese Elm Bonsai

A Japanese Elm Bonsai is a popular Japanese indoor plant renowned for its gracefully cascading branches and small, pointed leaves. Growing Japanese plants indoors can be quite a challenge, but with proper care and attention, the Japanese Elm Bonsai can thrive as an indoor centerpiece.

This unique bonsai should be placed in bright indirect light and watered regularly, with careful monitoring to ensure the soil never becomes too dry or soggy. Pruning should be done carefully, removing dead or diseased branches while maintaining the desired shape of the tree.

2. Japanese Maple Plant 

The Japanese Maple (Acer palmatum) is a popular choice among gardeners for its beautiful, vibrant leaves and compact shape. Native to Japan, these trees can be found in a variety of shapes, sizes, and colors, ranging from deep red to vibrant green.

When planted in well-drained soil and given ample sunlight and water, these trees can thrive for decades. In the summer months, they provide a lush canopy of foliage and in the fall, their leaves turn stunning shades of orange and red before eventually shedding.

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3. Japanese Fern Tree

The Japanese Fern Tree, or Japanese climbing fern, is a unique and beautiful addition to any garden. Native to eastern Asia, this evergreen vine can grow up to 35 feet in length and boasts elegant deep green fronds. It’s perfect for adding greenery to walls and fences, as it clings via slender brown tendrils that easily wrap around surfaces.

It requires consistent moisture and partial shade in order to thrive, making it an excellent choice for shaded gardens or even indoor spaces with ample humidity. Its versatility and exotic appearance make it a must-have for any plant enthusiast. So why not give the Japanese Fern Tree a try in your own garden? You’ll be delighted with its stunning foliage year-round.

japanese house plants

 4. Japanese Larch Bonsai

The Japanese Larch is a unique bonsai choice with its needle-like leaves that turn bright yellow in the fall before dropping off for winter. It grows best in full sun and well-drained soil, but can tolerate occasional wet feet.

The larch responds well to pruning and can be trained in various styles using wiring techniques. This beautiful tree is also known for its tolerance to cool temperatures, making it a perfect choice for outdoor bonsai displays. Given proper care, the Japanese Larch bonsai can thrive for many years and provide endless enjoyment for bonsai enthusiasts.

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5. Japanese Stone Crop

This plant, also known as Sedum Japaneseum, is a succulent native to Japan. It’s easily identifiable by its clustered stems and small, round leaves. Its bright green foliage provides a pop of color and the clusters of yellow flowers add interest during the summer months.

Plus, it’s low maintenance and drought-tolerant, making it perfect for busy gardeners or those in drier climates. Japanese Stone Crops can be propagated through stem cuttings and can also be used in rock gardens or as ground cover.

6. Japanese Peace Lily

The Japanese peace lily, also known as Spathiphyllum cochlearispathum, is native to Southeast Asia and Japan. These beautiful plants have dark green leaves and white flowers that blush pink as they age.

The Japanese peace lily is a low-maintenance plant that thrives in shade and humid environments. One of the unique features of this plant is its air purifying abilities, making it a great addition to any indoor space looking for a little extra health and wellness. Japanese peace lilies can also bloom for several months at a time with proper care, making them an attractive addition to any home or office.

japanese house plants

7. Japanese Weeping Willow

The Japanese Weeping Willow, or Salix x sepulcralis ‘Chrysocoma’, is a striking tree known for its cascading branches and vibrant yellow-green leaves. Native to Japan and China, this deciduous tree can grow up to 40 feet tall and is commonly used as an ornamental planting in parks and gardens.

In the spring, it produces small yellow-green catkins that give way to long, hanging threads in the summer. In the fall, the leaves turn a stunning shade of bright gold before ultimately shedding for winter.

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8. Lucky Bamboo

It is also known as Japanese bamboo and is a popular low-maintenance plant often seen adorning office desks and windowsills. Originally from East Asia, Lucky Bamboo can thrive in a variety of environments with minimal care requirements. Unlike many other plants, Lucky Bamboo does not require direct sunlight and only needs to be watered once every two weeks.

It can also be easily propagated by simply placing cut stems in water or soil. This versatile plant can bring a bit of green into any space, making it a perfect choice for busy individuals or novice plant enthusiasts.

Benefits Of Japanese House Plants

These plants offer a variety of benefits to the home or office environment. Many varieties, such as bamboo and peace lily, are known for their air purification qualities and can have a positive impact on indoor air quality. Additionally, these plants can add beauty and help to create a more calming atmosphere in any space.

Japanese house plants require minimal maintenance and can often thrive in lower light levels, making them perfect for offices or other environments with limited natural light. Bringing some greenery into the workplace or living space can have numerous benefits for both physical and mental health, making Japanese house plants a smart choice.


When it comes to houseplants, there are a lot of options to choose from. But if you’re looking for the best of the best, then you can’t go wrong with any of these eight Japanese house plants.

From Japanese Elm Bonsai to Lucky Bamboo, these plants are sure to add some beauty and life to your home. So what are you waiting for? Pick one (or all) of these plants today and enjoy their beauty for years to come!

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