How Not To Kill Your Houseplants

Indoor plants bring life and color to any room, and they can also improve air quality. However, many people kill their houseplants by not watering them or by giving them the wrong type of soil. …

how not to kill your houseplants

Indoor plants bring life and color to any room, and they can also improve air quality. However, many people kill their houseplants by not watering them or by giving them the wrong type of soil.

In this blog post, you will learn how not to kill your houseplants so that they thrive for years. You will also learn about the different types of soils best suited for perfect house plants. So read on and start growing beautiful plants indoors!

How Not To Kill Your Houseplant: A Step-By-Step Guide

Taking care of houseplants can be tricky, especially for inexperienced plant parents. However, with a little bit of effort and understanding, it’s easy to keep your plants thriving. Follow the survival tips outlined in this guide on how not to kill your houseplants:

how not to kill your houseplants

Choose A Healthy Plant

Choosing a healthy plant is the first and most important step in ensuring its success in your care. Look for vibrant, green foliage with no signs of wilting or yellowing. Avoid any plants with brown or dead leaves, as these could indicate pests or diseases. It’s also important to carefully consider the environment before you buy plants.

Read More: How To Make Indoor Plant Leaves Shiny

The Effect Of Light

When selecting a spot for your houseplant, it is crucial to consider both the amount and type of light it needs

  • The first step in keeping your plant alive is understanding how much light it needs. Different plants require varying levels of sunlight or artificial lighting sources, so make sure you do your research before choosing a spot for your new addition.
  • . For example, hang air plants & spider plants from a ceiling near a window with indirect sunlight, while tropical plants might prefer a windowsill where they can receive several hours of direct sunlight daily.
  • Another helpful tip is to invest in a comprehensive gardening book like ” raising indoor plants equips” and even take a class on indoor plant care. It may seem like an unnecessary expense at first glance, but in the long run, it will save you time and money as you learn how to properly care for your plants.
  • Finally, if you aren’t able to provide enough natural light for your houseplant, don’t be afraid to supplement with artificial lighting sources such as grow lights or fluorescent bulbs.

Ultimately, finding the right spot in your home for your plant can ensure its long-term health and success.

how not to kill your houseplants

Water Your Indoor Plants Regularly

With the growing trend of indoor plants, it’s important to know how to properly care for them. One common mistake is not watering your plants enough. The frequency of watering will vary depending on the type of plant and the potting mix used, but generally speaking, you want to water your plant until the soil is evenly moist. Make sure to allow excess water to drain out and avoid overwatering, as this can lead to root rot. 

Feeding Plants

Another way to nurture your plants is by feeding them with fertilizer. Fertilizer contains nutrients that help promote growth and improve overall health. It is best to follow instructions on the packaging of your fertilizer, as too much can harm your plants. 

 Taking care of houseplants may require some effort and attention, but with these helpful tips, this green life will thrive indoors for years to come. Happy gardening!

Use A Leaf Shining Spray

One mistake many new plant owners make is neglecting to clean their plants’ leaves. This not only reduces the aesthetic appeal of your plants, but it can also prevent them from absorbing the necessary sun and air. That’s where the leaf-shining spray comes in.

It’s important to choose one that is specifically made for houseplants, as some sprays may contain harsh chemicals that could damage your plants’ delicate leaves. Use the spray sparingly, just once every couple of weeks or as needed.

A small amount on a soft cloth will do the trick, removing dust and dirt while also providing a healthy shine. Keep in mind that not all houseplants need to be sprayed – avoid using them on fuzzy or hairy leaves, as well as succulents and cacti. Incorporating a leaf-shining spray into your regular plant care routine can help keep your plants looking their best!

What Are The Signs Of A Sick Plant

When it comes to caring for your house plants, it’s important to know the signs of a sick plant. Here are some key indicators that your plant may not be doing well:

Wilting Or Drooping Leaves, Discolored Leaves

One common sign of a sick plant is wilting or drooping leaves. This can be caused by a lack of water or nutrients, too much sunlight, or pest infestation. Discolored or yellowing leaves can also indicate a problem, as can spots on the leaves or unusual growth patterns. It’s important to pay attention to these signs and address the issue quickly in order to keep your plant healthy and thriving.

Additionally, if you can’t keep a house plant alive, it may be worth considering whether it’s the right plant for your living space and level of care. Overall, staying observant and proactive in addressing any issues with your plants is key to keeping them happy and healthy.

Read More: 8 Best Japanese House Plant

Brown Or Black Spots

One of the danger signs in unhealthy indoor plants is brown or black spots on the leaves. This can be a sign of disease or pest infestation, and action should be taken promptly to prevent further spread. In indoor plants, brown or black patches on the stems can indicate an excess of fertilizer, while white powdery patches on the leaves can indicate a fungal infection.

It is also important to inspect plants, regularly for unwanted pests such as aphids or spider mites. Overall, it is best to take preventive measures such as proper watering and fertilizing to ensure the health of your plants, but if any issues do arise, early detection and treatment can greatly improve the chances of recovery.

Read More: 8 Carnivorous House Plants

Root Rot

Root rot is a common problem affecting many houseplants. Characterized by squishy or smelly roots, root rot occurs when moisture accumulates around the roots and allows fungal or bacterial growth. This can prevent the plant from absorbing nutrients and leads to wilting and eventual death. Luckily, there are a few steps you can take to prevent and treat root rot in your plants. First, always check the soil before watering to ensure it is not already saturated with moisture.

Also, consider adding drainage layers such as gravel or stones at the bottom of the pot to improve water drainage. If your plant does show signs of root rot, prune the affected roots and replant them in fresh, sterile soil with improved drainage. In extreme cases, you may need to propagate healthy cuttings from the plant or discard them entirely

how not to kill your houseplants

Different Types Of Soils

It’s no secret that different plants have different soil preferences. Luckily, there is a multitude of soils available for indoor gardeners to choose from. 

  • For those with cacti and succulents, a gritty mix of added sand or perlite is the way to go. This allows for proper drainage, preventing root rot. 
  • For tropical plants, an organic potting mix with added peat moss helps to retain moisture and provide nutrients over time. 
  • Folks with ferns and other shade-loving plants should opt for high-quality peat moss-based soil, as these types of plants thrive in consistently moist environments.
  • And lastly, for those who want healthy and vibrant flowering plants, be sure to use a specialized blend made with composted manure for optimum nutrition.

By selecting the right type of soil for each plant, houseplant enthusiasts can keep their green babies happy and thriving for years to come. Happy gardening!

Read More: How To Arrange Plants In A Living


If you follow the tips in this article, your days of killing houseplants will be behind you. By taking care of your plants and giving them the attention they need, you can keep them healthy and thriving for years to come. Do you have any other tips for keeping houseplants alive? Share them with us in the comments below!

Read More: Easiest Houseplants To Propagate

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