How To Make Indoor Plant Leaves Shiny

If you have indoor plants, then you may have noticed that the leaves can become dull and lackluster over time. This is often due to dust and other environmental factors. However, there are several ways …

how to make indoor plant leaves shiny

If you have indoor plants, then you may have noticed that the leaves can become dull and lackluster over time. This is often due to dust and other environmental factors. However, there are several ways that you can restore the shine to your plant’s leaves.

In this blog post, we will discuss four different methods on how to make indoor plant leaves shiny. We hope that you find this information helpful!

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What The Reason For Dull Plant’s Leaves:

A dull plant’s leaves can have a variety of causes, including inadequate sunlight, excessive fertilizer, pests or disease, and improper watering. Lack of sunlight can result in pale or yellowing leaves, while too much direct sunlight can lead to scorching and brown patches on the leaves.

Fertilizer burns can cause yellow or brown spots on the leaves, while pests and diseases can also lead to discoloration and wilting.

Finally, improper watering – either not enough water or constant soggy soil – can also result in dull plant leaves. In order to determine the exact cause of your plant’s dull leaves, it is important to consider all possible factors and troubleshoot accordingly.

Regularly monitoring sunlight levels, properly fertilizing, regularly checking for pests and disease, and properly caring for your plant’s watering needs will help ensure its healthy and vibrant foliage.

how to make indoor plant leaves shiny

How To Make Indoor Plant Leaves Shiny

The appearance of plant leaves can say a lot about their health and overall care. Shiny leaves indicate that a plant is receiving proper care and suited to environmental conditions, while dull or dusty leaves can indicate a lack of maintenance or powdery mildew is present there regardless of the cause, there are several ways to bring the shine back to lackluster leaves.

Here are some steps to shine the leaves:

Clean Plant With Soft Cloth

One of the simplest ways to make your plant’s leaves shiny is to simply wipe them down with a soft, clean cloth. This will remove any dust or debris that has accumulated on the leaves, and it will also help to stimulate circulation. Be sure to use a very gentle motion when cleaning your plant’s leaves, as too much scrubbing can damage the delicate surface.

Use Mineral Oil 

Another way to make your indoor plant leaves shiny is to use a small amount of mineral oil. Simply apply a small amount of oil to a soft cloth and gently rub it onto the leaves. The oil will help to create a protective barrier against dust and dirt, and it will also help to keep plant leaves hydrated.

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Make A Leafshine Solution

Making your own homemade leaf shine solution is a simple and cost-effective way to make your plants shine.

  • Start by mixing equal parts lemon juice and water in a spray bottle. Make sure to shake the mixture well before each use. Next, lightly spray the leaf surface and wipe with a damp cloth to remove excess liquid and dirt while leaving behind a beautiful shine.
  • It’s important to keep in mind that this solution should only be used on plants that do not have sensitive foliage, as the citric acid in lemon juice can irritate them.
  • However, for those with hardy leaves, this homemade solution makes for a quick and easy way to add some extra sparkle to your plants. Make sure to store any leftover mixture in the refrigerator for continued use.
  • Soap & water solution is also a helpful remedy. Mix half a cup of olive oil and mashed banana peels in a spray bottle filled with water. Make sure to use mild soap in the solution as well. Shake the bottle to mix everything together and spray onto the leaves for a shiny, healthy appearance.
  • This solution is gentle enough to use on all types of plants and can also be used as an insect repellent. Make sure to reapply every few weeks to maintain the shine and combat any pests. Try this easy DIY solution for vibrant, shining plant leaves in your garden.

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how to make indoor plant leaves shiny

What Are Leaf Shine Products

Leaf shine products, commonly found in brands like Miracle-Gro, are aerosol sprays that are applied directly to plant leaves to give them a shiny or glossy appearance. However, these products can do more harm than good.

The ingredients in these sprays can block the pores on the leaves, preventing them from properly breathing and inhibiting their ability to photosynthesize. This can lead to stunted growth and even increase the plant’s susceptibility to fungal infections.

In addition, the build-up of these products on the leaves can also attract dust and dirt, leading to a dull appearance over time.

how to make indoor plant leaves shiny

What Are The Worst Methods To Shine Your Plant’s Leaves

There are many methods that should be strongly avoided while cleaning your plants. Here is the list of such methods:

Power Washing

Piping or pressure washing leaves will quickly lead to damage. High pressure from the water can strip away the waxy coating that protects leaves from dehydration, moisture and humidity are two of the leading causes of powdery mildew.

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Mouth Breathing

Yes, you read that correctly. One of the worst ways you can shine your plant’s leaves is by mouth-breathing onto mouth breathing onto the leaves which will spread saliva and other germs onto the surface which can lead to leaf diseases.

Brushing Too Hard

While it’s important to remove dust and dirt from your plant’s leaves, you should be careful not to brush too hard. The surface of the leaves is delicate and can be easily damaged by harsh scrubbing. This can lead to a loss of moisture and increase the plant’s susceptibility to pests and diseases.

Avoid Mayonnaise

Mayonnaise might seem like a good way to add shine, but it can do more harm than good. Though it can bring a beautiful shine but will clog the plant’s pores.


Indoor plants are a great way to purify the air in your home and help improve your indoor environment. If you want to keep your plants looking their best, it’s important to know how to make indoor plant leaves shiny.

By following the tips we’ve outlined in this blog post, you can keep your plants healthy and looking great. Thanks for reading and good luck!

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