How To Grow Celery Indoors

Are you looking for the best guide on how to grow celery indoors? Well, you have come to the right place. Celery, like other common houseplants, can be quickly grown indoors, provided you have the …

how to grow celery indoors

Are you looking for the best guide on how to grow celery indoors? Well, you have come to the right place. Celery, like other common houseplants, can be quickly grown indoors, provided you have the right potting mix and container. The entire process is simple and easy to follow. So, without further ado, let’s get started.

Does Celery Do Well Indoors?

This is one crucial question that is mainly overlooked. Not all fruits and vegetables do well when grown indoors. While some, like spinach and tomatoes, require a lot of sunshine and space to thrive, others, like lettuce, can be quickly grown in a small pot on a sunny windowsill. So, what about celery? Can this crisp and crunchy vegetable be successfully grown indoors?

The short answer is yes; celery can be grown indoors. However, you must keep a few things in mind to ensure success.

  • First of all, celery needs a lot of sunlight. If you don’t have a south-facing window that gets six to eight hours of direct sunlight each day, you may want to consider using grow lights. Additionally, The potting soil should never be allowed to dry out completely. Water the plants whenever the top inch or so of soil feels dry.
  • Celery needs good air circulation to prevent mold and mildew from taking hold. Be sure to give the plants plenty of space and avoid overcrowding them.
  • When choosing the right container for your celery plant, it is essential to ensure that the container has enough drainage holes at the bottom. This is because celery plants are prone to root rot and require well-drained soil to thrive.
  • Choosing the right potting mix for your celery plant is also essential. The potting mix should be rich in organic matter and should be well-drained. You can buy a potting mix from your local garden center or make your own at home.

How to Grow Celery Indoors

how to grow celery indoors

Now that you know the basics of growing celery indoors let’s get down to the process. Here’s what you need to do. Follow these steps, and you will have healthy and tasty celery.

Choose Your Suitable Base Growth Method

The first step is to choose the correct base growth method. Then, you can either grow celery from seed or transplants. If you are growing celery for the first time, we recommend starting with transplants, as they are easier to care for and have a higher success rate. Some common breeds include Tango, Ventura, Utah, Tall Utah 52-70, and Golden Self Blanching.

If you are growing celery from transplants, the best time to do so is in spring. You can find celery transplants at your local garden center or online. When choosing a plant, look for one that is healthy and has vibrant green leaves. Avoid wilted plants or yellow leaves, as they are more likely to be sickly.

Choose a Suitable Container

As we mentioned earlier, celery plants need a lot of space to grow and thrive. They also require well-drained soil to prevent root rot. For these reasons, choosing a suitable container for your plant is essential.

The container should be at least 12 inches deep and 18 inches wide. It should also have drainage holes at the bottom to allow excess water to drain out. If you are growing multiple plants, give each one enough space. For example, celery seeds should be spaced at least 12 inches apart.

Prepare the Soil

Once you have chosen the suitable container, it is time to prepare the soil. The best way to do this is to mix equal parts of potting mix, compost, and perlite. This will create a well-drained and nutrient-rich growing medium for your celery plants.

If you are making your potting mix, you can use two parts peat moss or coir, one part sand, and one part compost. This will create a lightweight and well-drained potting mix perfect for celery plants.

Plant the Celery

how to grow celery indoors

After you have prepared the soil, it is time to plant the celery. If you are using transplants, gently remove them from their pots and plant them in the prepared soil. Be sure to plant them at the same depth they were growing in their previous pots.

If you are growing celery from seed, sow the seeds in a seed-starting tray filled with potting mix. Cover the seeds with ¼ inch of soil and water them well. Place the tray in a warm place and keep the soil moist. The seeds should germinate in 7-10 days. Once they have germinated, transplant them into larger pots filled with prepared potting mix.

Water the Plants

Once the plants are in their pots, water them well and allow the excess water to drain out. Celery plants need moist but not wet soil to grow well. After watering, check the ground regularly and water it when it feels dry to the touch.

Fertilize the Plants

Celery plants are heavy feeders and require regular fertilization to grow well. The best way to fertilize celery plants is to use a balanced fertilizer with an NPK ratio of 10-10-10. Apply the fertilizer once a month during the growing season. You might also try using Epsom salt to boost their growth.

Harvest the Celery

You can start harvesting celery when the stalks are 12 inches long. To harvest, cut the stalk at ground level using a sharp knife. Be sure to leave some leaves on the plant so that it can continue to photosynthesize and produce food for the plant.

After you have harvested the celery, you can store it in the fridge for up to two weeks. You can also blanch and freeze it if you want to keep it for longer.

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how to grow celery indoors

What are the best varieties of celery to grow?

Some of the best celery varieties to grow to include Tango, Ventura, Utah, Tall Utah 52-70, and Golden Self Blanching.

How often should I water my celery plants?

Celery plants should be watered when the soil feels dry to the touch. They need moist but not wet soil to grow well.

Can I take my celery outdoors?

Yes, you can take your celery outdoors. However, make sure to slowly acclimate the plants to the outdoors to prevent them from being shocked. Start by taking them outdoors for a few hours each day and then gradually increase the time they spend outside.


Celery is a cool-weather crop that is easy to grow in containers. All you need is a suitable container, well-drained soil, and plenty of water and fertilizer. Then, you can enjoy fresh celery all season long with some care. Use the above steps, and you’re good to go. Happy Planting!

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