How To Grow Plumeria Indoors

How to grow plumeria indoors is one frequent question among greenery lovers. But we have good news for you. If you’re looking for an easy way to bring the tropics into your home, look no …

how to grow plumeria indoors

How to grow plumeria indoors is one frequent question among greenery lovers. But we have good news for you. If you’re looking for an easy way to bring the tropics into your home, look no further than growing plumeria indoors. This beautiful, exotic plant is perfect for adding a touch of the tropics to any room in your house, and it’s surprisingly easy to care for. This article will teach you everything you need to know about growing plumeria indoors, from choosing the right potting mix to watering and fertilizing correctly. So read on to learn how to grow your indoor plumeria!

What You Need To Know About Plumeria Indoors

Plumeria (Plumeria Rubra) is a tropical plant that produces beautiful, fragrant plumeria flowers. It’s a popular choice for gardens in warm climates, but did you know that plumeria can also be grown indoors? While plumeria needs specific care requirements, growing this stunning plant indoors is not difficult. Here are some tips worth noting before you grow plumeria plants indoors.

First of all, the plumeria tree prefers bright, indirect sunlight. So if you can provide a spot near a south- or west-facing window, that will be ideal. Plumeria also needs well-drained soil, so use a potting mix containing plenty of perlite or sand.

Water your plumeria when the top inch of soil is dry, and fertilize monthly with a balanced fertilizer during the growing season. In the winter months, reduce watering and fertilizing to once every six weeks.

Since plumeria is a tropical plant and needs warm temperatures to thrive, the ideal temperature range for plumeria is between 60 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. If your home is on the cooler side, you may need to provide supplemental heat in the form of a heat lamp or other artificial light source. With proper care, your indoor plumeria will thrive and provide you with years of enjoyment.

How To Grow Plumeria Indoors

how to grow plumeria indoors

Now that you know the basics of growing plumeria indoors let’s get into the specifics. Let’s get into the step-by-step guide on how to do this. Follow these steps;

Gather the Needed Supplies

To get started, you’ll need a few supplies. First, you’ll need a plumeria plant. You can purchase one at your local nursery or online. Next, choose a houseplant that’s healthy and has vibrant foliage.

You’ll also need a potting mix containing perlite or sand and a pot with drainage holes. A plastic or clay pot will work fine, but make sure it’s big enough to accommodate your plant’s root system.

Finally, you’ll need artificial light sources if your home doesn’t receive enough natural sunlight. Again, an inexpensive grow light or heat lamp will do the trick. Once you have all this in place, it’s time to move to the next step.

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Fill Your Pot With Potting Mix

Once you have your supplies, it’s time to start. First, fill your pot with a well-draining potting mix. You can find a mix that contains perlite or sand at your local nursery or home improvement store. If you can’t find one, you can make your own by mixing equal parts potting soil and perlite.

Plant Your Plumeria

Once you have your potting mix, it’s time to plant your plumeria. First, gently remove the potted plant from its current pot and loosen the roots before planting. Then, place your plumeria in the pot and fill in around the roots with more potting mix. Finally, firm the mix around the roots so your plant is stable.

Water Your Plant

Once your plant is in its new pot, water it thoroughly. First, allow the water to drain out of the bottom of the pot. Later, empty any water that remains in the saucer after a few minutes. Plumeria trees like to be kept moist, so check the soil regularly and water when necessary.

Fertilize Your Plant

Plumeria is a heavy feeder, so it’s important to fertilize regularly. Use a balanced fertilizer and apply it monthly during the growing season. You can reduce the frequency in the winter months to every six weeks or so.

Provide Supplemental heat

As we mentioned earlier, plumeria is a tropical plant and prefers warm temperatures. If your home is on the cooler side, you may need to provide supplemental heat in the form of a heat lamp or other artificial light source.

Caring for Your Indoor Plumeria

Now that you know how to grow plumeria indoors, it’s time to discuss some general care tips. These tips will help you keep your plant healthy and looking its best.


As we mentioned earlier, Potted plumeria likes to be kept moist. The best way to water your plant is to soak the roots thoroughly and then allow the water to drain out completely. Be sure to empty any water in the saucer after a few minutes.

If unsure when to water, insert your finger in the soil to the first knuckle. If the ground feels dry, it’s time to water.


Plumeria is a heavy feeder and requires to be fertilized regularly. Use a balanced fertilizer and apply it monthly during the growing season. You can reduce the frequency in the winter months to every six weeks or so.


Plumeria benefits from regular pruning. Prune your plant in early spring to encourage new growth. You can also prune it back if it becomes overgrown. Simply cut the stems back to the desired length.

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How Can You Propagate plumeria indoors?

how to grow plumeria indoors

One can propagate Plumeria from cuttings or by seed. However, propagation by seed can be challenging and often results in less than satisfactory results. For this reason, most growers prefer to propagate plumeria by taking stem cuttings.

  • To propagate plumeria by stem cuttings, choose a healthy stem at least 6 inches long.
  • Cut the stem at a 45-degree angle just below a leaf node (the point where the leaves attach to the stem).
  • Remove any leaves from the lower half of the cutting and dip the cut end into rooting hormone powder.
  • Next, insert the cutting into a pot filled with moistened perlite or sand. Be sure to keep the cutting well-watered and in a bright location out of direct sunlight.
  • With proper care, the cutting should root within 4-6 weeks.


Now that you know how to grow plumeria indoors, you can enjoy the beauty of this tropical plant all year round. Just be sure to give your plant plenty of bright light, water it regularly, and fertilize it monthly during the growing season. Then, with some care, you’ll have a beautiful indoor plumeria blooming for years.

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