How To Grow Plants Indoors Without Sunlight

If you’re looking for a guide on how to grow plants indoors without sunlight, you’re probably wondering, “Can plants grow without sunlight?” The answer is yes, but it’s not as simple as just placing them …

how to grow plants indoors without sunlight

If you’re looking for a guide on how to grow plants indoors without sunlight, you’re probably wondering, “Can plants grow without sunlight?” The answer is yes, but it’s not as simple as just placing them in a shady spot. You must do a few things to ensure your plants get the light they need to grow. It’s true! All you need is a little bit of knowledge and some basic supplies. In this article, we will teach you everything you need to know about growing indoor plants indoors without sunlight. So, read on for some valuable tips, whether you’re a beginner or an expert!

Do All Plants Require Sunliglight to Grow?

No, not all plants require sunlight to grow. For example, some houseplants, such as those in the succulent family, can tolerate low light conditions quite well. Likewise, many succulents will do better if they’re not in direct sun all day. However, most plants do require some sunlight to survive and thrive.

Examples of houseplants that don’t need light to grow to include;

  • Chinese evergreen (Aglaonema)
  • Cast iron plant
  •  ZZ plant 
  • Monstera
  • Lucky bamboo

If you’re growing plants indoors without any natural light, you’ll need to provide an artificial light source.

How Much Light is Enough?

how to grow plants indoors without sunlight

The amount of light your plants need will depend on your growing plant. As a general rule of thumb, most plants need at least 6 hours of direct sunlight per day to stay healthy. However, if you live in an area with long winters and short days, you may need to supplement your plants with artificial light.

How to Grow Plants Indoors Without Sunlight

If you can’t provide your plants with natural light, you’ll need to give them an artificial light source. The best way to do this is with grow lights. Grow lights come in various shapes and sizes, so you’ll need to choose the one that’s right for your needs. You can find artificial lights at most hardware stores or online.

Some of the best and most reliable grow lights that will help your sensitive-to-light plants, such as Cherry tomatoes, include;

LED Lights

LED grow lights are becoming increasingly popular with indoor gardeners. LEDs, or light-emitting diodes, are small, energy-efficient bulbs that produce very little heat. This makes them ideal for use in enclosed spaces, where high temperatures can damage delicate plants. LED grow lights come in various colors, each producing a different light wavelength.

Red and blue wavelengths are most beneficial for plant growth, as they promote photosynthesis and encourage strong root development. However, white LEDs are also available, producing a full spectrum of light suitable for all stages of plant growth. When choosing an LED to grow light, it is essential to consider the size of the growing area and the type of plants being grown.

High-Pressure Sodium Lights (HPS)

HPS grow lights are frequently used to grow plants indoors. They emit a broad spectrum of light, including UV and infrared, which can penetrate the canopy and encourage strong stem and leaf growth. HPS grow lights are also very efficient, meaning they produce more light per watt than other types of grow lights. This makes them a popular choice for commercial growers looking to maximize yield. However, HPS grow lights also produce a lot of heat, so you must use them carefully to avoid killing your houseplants.

Fluorescent Lights

Fluorescent lights are a popular choice for indoor gardeners, as they are relatively inexpensive and easy to find. Compact fluorescent bulbs (CFLs) are the most common fluorescent light used for indoor gardening. These bulbs come in various sizes, so you can choose the one that best fits your needs.

T5 Fluorescent Lights

T5 fluorescent lights are slightly larger and more potent than CFLs. As a result, they are often used in commercial grow operations, providing high light levels over a large area. In addition, T5 fluorescents emit a full spectrum of light, making them suitable for all stages of plant growth.

Metal Halide Lights

These lights emit a broad spectrum of light, ideal for plants that need lots of light to grow. Metal halide lights are also very efficient, which means they don’t use as much energy as some other types of grow lights. One downside of metal halide lights is that they can get very hot, so it’s essential to ensure they are adequately ventilated. Another downside is that they can be expensive, but if you’re serious about growing plants, they are worth the investment.

Step By Step Guide

how to grow plants indoors without sunlight

Once you have your growing lights now, follow these steps to use them.

Install the Growing Light

Install your grow light according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Make sure the light is securely mounted and will not fall and damage your plants.

Position the Light Fixture

Position the light fixture about 6 inches (15 cm) from the top of your plants. If the light is too close, it can damage the leaves, and if it is too far away, it won’t be as effective.

Adjust the Height of the Light

As your plants grow, you’ll need to adjust the height of the light fixture to keep it about 6 inches (15 cm) away from the top of your plants. This will ensure that your plants, such as strawberries, receive enough light without damage.

Turn on the Light

Turn on the light and observe your plants. If they seem to be doing well, leave the light for 14-16 hours daily. If they are not doing well, increase the time the light is on daily.

Monitor Your Plants

Monitor your plants closely to make sure they are getting enough light. If they are not growing as quickly as you’d like, try moving the light closer or increasing the amount of time it is on each day.

How to Choose the Best Grow Light

how to grow plants indoors without sunlight

When faced with several options, you’ll need to choose the best grow light for your needs. Watch the following before selecting the right plant for yourself.

  • Your Plants

Before choosing the best grow light, you need to know what type of plants you want to grow. Different plants have different light requirements, so it’s essential to select a lamp suitable for the plants you want to grow.

  • The Size of Your Grow Area

If you have ample space, such as a greenhouse, you’ll need a powerful light that can cover a large area. Conversely, if you have a small space, such as a closet, you’ll need a smaller light that doesn’t produce too much heat.

  • The Stage of Plant Growth

You’ll need a light that produces a lot of blue light for seedlings and clones, promoting robust root development. You’ll need a red and blue light to encourage leaf and stem growth for vegetative growth. And for flowering and fruiting, you’ll need a light that produces more red light, promoting flower and fruit production.

  • Your Budget

Finally, you’ll need to consider your budget when choosing a grow light. Grow lights can be expensive, so selecting one that fits your needs and budget is essential.


It is possible to grow plants indoors without sunlight. However, you’ll need to provide an artificial light source if there’s no natural sunlight available. Grow lights are the best way to give plants the light they need to grow and thrive. Follow the tips in this article, and you’ll be on your way to success.

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