12 Best Bathroom Plants That Absorb Moisture

We’ve all been there before. You enter your bathroom after a hot shower, only to be greeted by a steamy mirror and foggy glasses. Or maybe you notice your once-pristine paint job is now peeling …

bathroom plants that absorb moisture

We’ve all been there before. You enter your bathroom after a hot shower, only to be greeted by a steamy mirror and foggy glasses. Or maybe you notice your once-pristine paint job is now peeling and flaking due to excess moisture in the air. High humidity levels can wreak havoc in your bathroom, but did you know certain plants thrive in these conditions?

Not only do they look good, but these moisture-loving plants can help absorb excess water vapor in the air, helping to regulate humidity levels. Here are 12 of the best bathroom plants that absorb moisture and help improve the air quality in your bathroom but also add a touch of style and sophistication.

1. Aloe Vera 

Aloe Vera plants are one of the best bathroom plants that absorb excess moisture from the air. This succulent plant is known to absorb excess moisture up to 60% of its weight. The plant helps to reduce the humidity in the air and also removes harmful toxins from the environment. Aloe Vera plants are easy to grow and maintenance-free.

They do not require much sunlight or water to survive. The plant is also known for its healing properties and can be used to treat burns, cuts, and other skin conditions.

bathroom plants that absorb moisture

2. Bamboo Palm 

The bamboo palm is an excellent plant for the bathroom as it absorbs excess moisture from the air. Not only does this help to prevent mold and mildew from forming, but it also helps to keep the air in your bathroom fresh and clean.

The bamboo palm is also an attractive plant, with long, slender leaves that add a touch of tropical elegance to any space. When choosing a bamboo palm for your bathroom, be sure to select a variety that is specifically designed for growing in high-humidity environments.

With proper care, your bamboo palm will thrive in your bathroom and help to create a healthy and inviting space.

Read More: 8 Carnivorous House Plants

3. Boston Fern 

The Boston fern is a bathroom plant that is ideal for those who want to spruce up their space with some natural greenery. This plant does not require a lot of natural light, making it perfect for bathrooms that do not get a lot of sunlight. The Boston fern also helps to absorb moisture, which can help prevent mildew and mold growth.

In addition, this plant is known for being relatively easy to care for, requiring only occasional watering and misting. As a result, the Boston fern is a great choice for those who are looking for a low-maintenance bathroom plant.

4. Bird’s Nest Fern

The bird’s nest fern is a bathroom plant that is known for its ability to absorb moisture. This tropical plant is native to Australia, where it grows in damp, shady areas. 

The bird’s nest fern has long, green leaves that are divided into narrow segments. These leaves can grow up to two feet long and are arranged in a rosette shape. The plant gets its name from the fact that its leaves resemble a bird’s nest. It is a low-maintenance plant that does not require much care. 

It thrives in humid environments and does not need direct sunlight. This makes it an ideal plant for bathrooms, where it can help to control moisture levels. If you are looking for a bathroom plant that is both attractive and easy to care for, the bird’s nest fern is a good option.

bathroom plants that absorb moisture

5. Cast Iron Plant

One of the best choices is the cast iron plant. This hardy plant is tolerant of low light and high humidity, making it an ideal choice for the bathroom. The cast iron plant gets its name from its ability to tolerate even the most adverse conditions. It is native to Japan, where it grows in forests that receive little sunlight. 

As a result, it is used to thrive in low-light environments. It is also tolerant of high humidity, making it an ideal choice for the bathroom. In addition to being easy to care for, the cast iron plant is also known for its ability to absorb moisture. This makes it an ideal choice for bathrooms that tend to be damp and humid. 

Read More: 10 Low Maintenance Houseplants for the Indoor Gardener

6. Rubber Plant 

If you’re looking for bathroom plants that absorb moisture, the rubber plant is a great option. It’s a large evergreen tree with glossy, dark green leaves that can reach up to 10 feet tall. 

The rubber plant is native to tropical regions of Asia and Africa, so it thrives in warm, humid environments. It prefers bright, natural light but can also tolerate low-light conditions. The rubber plant is an excellent choice for absorbing moisture in the bathroom as it can filter out toxins and impurities from the air. 

Additionally, the rubber plant helps to purify the air and improve indoor air quality.

7. Snake Plant 

Another plant is the snake plant, also known as the mother-in-law’s tongue. This hardy plant is virtually indestructible and can tolerate low light levels and periods of neglect. In addition, it is very efficient at absorbing moisture from the air, making it an ideal choice for the bathroom. It is also an excellent air purifier, helping to remove harmful toxins from the air. 

8. Spider Plant 

The spider plant is a hardy, fast-growing plant that thrives in both bright and indirect light. It is also very efficient at absorbing moisture from the air, making it an ideal plant for bathrooms and other damp areas of the home.

In addition to its air-purifying abilities, the spider plant is also known for its ease of care. It is a very low-maintenance plant that requires little watering or fertilizing. As a result, it is an ideal plant for busy people or those with limited space. 

Read More: The Baltic Blue Pothos Plant: Everything You Need to Know

9. Golden Pothos 

Golden Pothos is one of the most versatile houseplants you can grow. It is suitable for growing in a wide range of situations, from low light to brighter conditions. 

One of the reasons why Golden Pothos is such a popular houseplant is that it is very easy to care for. It is also an excellent plant for beginners. 

Another reason why Golden Pothos is such a popular choice for the bathroom is that it absorbs moisture from the air. This makes it ideal for bathrooms where there is often high humidity. Golden Pothos is a very adaptable plant and can be grown in a wide range of pot sizes. It can even be trained to grow up in support or along a trellis. 

bathroom plants that absorb moisture

10. Peace Lily 

These beautiful plants are not only easy to care for, but they also can absorb excess moisture from the air. As a result, they are an ideal choice for bathrooms and other damp areas of the home. 

Peace Lilies are native to tropical regions, and they thrive in humid environments. In addition to Absorbing moisture, they also help to purify the air by filtering out harmful toxins. 

When cared for properly, Peace Lilies can grow to be up to three feet tall. They produce white flowers that bloom throughout the year. With their striking appearance and helpful benefits, it’s no wonder that Peace Lilies are one of the most popular indoor plants.

Read More: The Health Benefits of House Plants: How they can help you!

11. Dracaena Marginata 

The Dracaena Marginata, more commonly known as the Dragon Tree, is an excellent choice for a bathroom plant. Not only does it absorb moisture from the air, helping to keep your bathroom feeling clean and fresh, but it also purifies the air of harmful toxins. 

The Dragon Tree is native to Madagascar, and its distinctive red and green leaves can add a splash of color to any bathroom. In addition, the plant is easy to care for and can tolerate low light levels. So if you’re looking for a bathroom plant that can help to keep your space feeling comfortable and looking beautiful, the Dragon Tree is a great option.

12. Janica Ficus 

Janica ficus is a bathroom plant that is known for its ability to absorb moisture. This makes it an ideal plant for bathrooms, where the humidity can often be high. 

Janica ficus is a member of the ficus family, which includes many other popular houseplants such as rubber plants and fig trees. The plant is native to tropical regions of Asia and Africa, and it grows best in warm, humid environments. 

When grown indoors, it typically reaches a height of between two and four feet. The plant has glossy, dark green leaves that are roughly oval. It is relatively easy to care for, and it does not require much sunlight or water. 

However, the plant does need to be kept in a spot that receives good ventilation. If the air in your bathroom is too dry, you may need to mist the leaves of the plant on occasion. 


These are just a few of the many air plants that can help absorb moisture and purify the air in your bathroom. With so many options to choose from, you’re sure to find one (or more) indoor plant that will fit perfectly into your space. So what are you waiting for? Bring some life into your bathroom today!

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