Why Are Houseplants So Expensive

Tropical plants have been all the rage for the last few years. They’ve been popping up everywhere from high-end home decor magazines to your neighbor’s windowsill. But if you’re like most people, you’ve probably noticed …

why are houseplants so expensive

Tropical plants have been all the rage for the last few years. They’ve been popping up everywhere from high-end home decor magazines to your neighbor’s windowsill. But if you’re like most people, you’ve probably noticed that these plants don’t come cheap.

If you walk into any garden center or Lowe’s, you’ll find a wide selection of beautiful plants at surprisingly high prices. A six-inch pot of Snake Plant Laurentii can cost upwards of $30, and a small Fiddle Leaf Fig tree can run you $100 or more. So what gives? Why are houseplants so expensive? Let’s take a look at a few reasons why.

Factors Of High Pricing Of Indoor Plants

why are houseplants so expensive


One of the most common reasons for a plant’s high cost is its rarity. When a plant is hard to find, that usually drives up the price. This is because growers have less of them to sell, so they can charge more.

Additionally, growers may have spent years perfecting the cultivation of a rare plant, which also adds to the final cost. For example, the price of a Venus flytrap can range from $100 to $300 because they are not easy to grow and propagate. 

Plant Habitat

Another factor that can contribute to rarity (and therefore expense) is a plant’s native habitat. If a plant is only found in one small area of the world, it will likely be more expensive than a plant that is found in many different countries. For instance, Rhipsalis baccifera is native to Brazil and therefore not easy to find in other parts of the world. Consequently, this plant typically costs around $15. 


Moreover, sometimes a plant becomes rare because it is difficult to propagate. A good example of this is Staghorn ferns (Platycerium species). These beautiful plants are epiphytes, which means they grow on other plants or objects rather than in soil.

As a result, they can be very difficult (and sometimes impossible) to propagate without specialized knowledge and equipment. Fortunately, staghorn is not too difficult to find nowadays, but it still typically cost between $20 and $40 each. 

Of course, sometimes rarity isn’t always about quantity or climate—sometimes it’s about beauty! 

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Another reason certain houseplants are expensive has to do with how they are produced. For example, consider hybrid plants—these are created when two different species are cross-bred in order to produce offspring with desirable characteristics from both parents. Breeding new hybrids take time and money, which ultimately gets passed on to the consumer in the form of higher prices. 

Horticulturalists must carefully select which plants to cross-breed in order for the process to be successful; if done incorrectly, hybrids will not display any characteristics from either parent and will be sterile (unable to produce offspring).

Some examples of popular hybrid houseplants include phalaenopsis orchids (Phalaenopsis hybrids), prayer plants (Maranta leuconeura hybrids), and peace lilies (Spathiphyllum hybrids). 

Read more: 12 Best Bathroom Plants That Absorb Moisture

why are houseplants so expensive

Examples Of Some Expensive Houseplants

Titan Arum (Starting From $100)

The world’s most expensive houseplant is the Titan Arum, also known as the Corpse Flower. Native to Indonesia, this plant can grow up to 10 feet tall and blooms just once every few years. When it blooms, the Titan Arum emits a smell similar to that of a rotting corpse, which is how it got its nickname. The plant’s scarcity and its unique smell make it a coveted item among plant collectors, with some specimens selling for tens of thousands of dollars. 

Philodendron Pink Princess ($50 to 8150)

plant lovers always searching for that plant that will make their house unique. The plant they can show off to their friends and family and say “I grew this.” They are always on the lookout for the newest, most interesting plant to add to their collection. philodendron pink princess is one of those plants. 

It is a beautiful and exotic houseplant that is native to Brazil. It is a climbing plant that can grow up to 3 feet in length, and its leaves are variegated with shades of pink, green, and white.

This plant is not only beautiful, but it is also expensive. costing over $100, it is one of the most expensive houseplants available. But for plant lovers, the price is worth it. This plant is an investment that will pay off in dividends of beauty and uniqueness for years to come. 

Read More: Types Of Ivy House Plants

Venus Flytrap (Starting From $100)

Another expensive houseplant is the Venus Flytrap. These carnivorous plants are native to North and South Carolina in the United States and can fetch prices of up to $100 per plant. Venus Flytraps are notoriously difficult to care for, which makes them all the more desirable for experienced plant collectors. 

Variegated Monstera Plants ($700 to 5000)

The Variegated Monstera Plant is an established houseplant that is known for its large, glossy leaves. The plant can grow up to 6 feet tall and produces white flowers that are borne on thick, fleshy stems. The flowers are followed by small, yellow fruits. 

The Variegated Monstera Plant is a tropical plant that is native to South America. The plant prefers warm, humid conditions and does best in bright, indirect light. The 

It is an expensive houseplant and can cost upwards of $100 for an established plant. However, the plant is relatively easy to care for and can thrive in a variety of indoor environments. With proper care, the Variegated Monstera Plant can provide years of enjoyment.

why are houseplants so expensive

Monstera Obliqua Plant ( $200-7000)

Monstera obliqua is a rare plant that is native to the rainforests of Panama. The plant is prized by rare plant collectors for its unique leaves, which are divided into deep lobes. The plant is also known for its ability to climb trees, using aerial roots to anchor itself to trunks and branches. Monstera obliqua is a fast-growing plant, and it can reach heights of up to 30 feet. 

Read More: 8 Drought Tolerant Houseplants

Old Pine Bonsaii ($50 to $1.3M)

For those who love growing plants, the Old Pine Bonsaii is a truly unique and stunning option. This ancient species of pine is native to Japan, and it has been cultivated for centuries. 

The Old Pine Bonsaii is slow growing, and it can live for hundreds of years with proper care. What sets this plant apart from other bonsai trees is its distinctive shape. The trunk and branches of the Old Pine Bonsaii twist and turn, creating a beautiful natural sculpture. The tree is also known for its lush green needles, which stay vibrant throughout the year. 

While the Old Pine Bonsaii is not the easiest plant to care for, it is certainly a worthy challenge for any plant enthusiast. Prices for this rare and expensive plant can range from $50 to $1.3 million, depending on the age and condition of the tree.


There you have it—a few factors that contribute to why some houseplants cost more than others! Of course, there are many cheaper options available if you’re looking for something more affordable; however, if you have your heart set on a particular plant, remember that you get what you pay for!

Some expensive plants may require more care than others; but oftentimes, they’re worth the investment due to their uniqueness or rare beauty.

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